LOLC continues to offer high interest rate promotion of up to 8.88% for fixed deposit accounts

To continue promoting and motivating our clients and Cambodian people to use saving service, especially to secure their money and receive high interest rates, LOLC Cambodia Plc., One of the leading deposit-taking institution in Cambodia has decided to continue to offer special promotions with high interest rate of up to 8.88% for fixed deposit savings in KHR and USD, which is valid until the end of 2023.

Moreover, for clients who wish to benefit from this special promotion, but do not have enough time to visit our branches, you can easily open a fixed deposit account yourself via our mobile banking on iPay Cambodia or visit any nearest LOLC office in all 25 provinces / capitals. You can also consult and seek additional details by contacting 023 991 991 every day from 6 am to 10 pm.